
OALib Journal期刊

ISSN: 2333-9721




( 2672 )

( 2024 )

( 2023 )

( 2022 )


匹配条件: “Alejandro; Villar” ,找到相关结果约11399条。
Destinos turísticos argentinos en Internet: Un análisis de los sitios gubernamentales
Estudios y perspectivas en turismo , 2007,
Abstract: this paper presents the results of an analysis of the government web sites of the main tourist destinations of argentina. at first, a reference is made to the role the new information and computerized technologies play in tourism. next, a new typology proposal is made that takes into account the guidelines of unwto and unctad related to the use of this means in organizing and analyzing information obtained.
Destinos turísticos argentinos en Internet: Un análisis de los sitios gubernamentales Tourism Destinations in the Internet: An Analysis of Government Sites
Alejandro Villar
Estudios y perspectivas en turismo , 2007,
Abstract: En este trabajo se analizarán los sitios web gubernamentales de los principales destinos turísticos de la Argentina. Para esto, primero, se encuadra la problemática de la utilización de las nuevas tecnología de la información y la comunicación (TICs) en la actividad del turismo. En segundo lugar se propone una tipología, que en rigor sigue las propuestas de la OMT y la Conferencia de las Naciones Unidas sobre el Comercio y el Desarrollo (UNCTAD), sobre los niveles de aprovechamiento de estos medios por los sitios mencionados que sirve, además, para ordenar y analizar la información obtenida. This paper presents the results of an analysis of the government web sites of the main tourist destinations of Argentina. At first, a reference is made to the role the new information and computerized technologies play in tourism. Next, a new typology proposal is made that takes into account the guidelines of UNWTO and UNCTAD related to the use of this means in organizing and analyzing information obtained.
Estado actual del tratamiento quirúrgico de la fibrilación auricular
Villar Inclán,Alejandro;
Revista Cubana de Cirug?-a , 2007,
Abstract: an analysis was made on the prevalence of atrial fibrillation in the general population and in patients with some related diseases. the possible physiopathological theories of this disease were commented on as well as the different applied surgical techniques were covered. a literature review on the classification of atrial fibrillation and its applicability in medical practice was made. moreover, possible treatment indications for atrial fibrillation through transvenous ablation and the analysis of several present surgical techniques and their mortality indexes were included. an account of the advances in different surgical ablation techniques and methods at present in addition to likely surgical treatment criteria for patients suffering from this disease were made
Válvulas cardíacas protésicas: revisión histórica del tema
Villar Inclán,Alejandro;
Revista Cubana de Cirug?-a , 2010,
Abstract: a historical review of mechanical and biological cardiac prosthesis is made, conceptualizing the different mechanical valves according to its structure. this is a historical abstract on different specialties involving in cardiac valves constructions.
Terapia angiogénica en el tratamiento de la cardiopatía isquémica
Villar Inclán,Alejandro;
Revista Cubana de Cirug?-a , 2007,
Abstract: the history of the use of growth factors and the concepts of angiogenesis, arteriogenesis and vasculogenesis were presented in this paper. the different growth factors that are known so far were stated, making emphasis on the most used (vascular endothelial and fibroblast growth factors). the various ways of application and of administration proteic or genic) were analyzed. an account of several preclinical and clinical studies using these growth factors for ischemic cardiopathy treatment were made. the various studies contributed information on the possible complications of the use of these factors; conclusions were drawn and recommendations were made
Estado actual del tratamiento quirúrgico de la fibrilación auricular Present situation of surgical treatment of atrial fibrillation
Alejandro Villar Inclán
Revista Cubana de Cirugía , 2007,
Abstract: Se realiza un análisis sobre la prevalencia de la fibrilación auricular en la población general y en pacientes que presentan algunas enfermedades asociadas. Se comenta sobre las posibles teorías fisiopatológicas de esta enfermedad y se abarcan las diferentes técnicas quirúrgicas que se aplican sobre esta base. Realizamos una revisión sobre la clasificación de la fibrilación auricular y su aplicabilidad en la práctica médica. Además, exponemos las posibles indicaciones de tratamiento de la fibrilación auricular mediante ablación transvenosa y analizamos, incluyendo la mortalidad, las diferentes técnicas quirúrgicas existentes para el tratamiento de esta enfermedad. Realizamos un recuento de los avances de las diferentes técnicas y métodos de ablación quirúrgica que se aplican actualmente, así como los posibles criterios para realizar un tratamiento quirúrgico en los pacientes que presentan esta enfermedad An analysis was made on the prevalence of atrial fibrillation in the general population and in patients with some related diseases. The possible physiopathological theories of this disease were commented on as well as the different applied surgical techniques were covered. A literature review on the classification of atrial fibrillation and its applicability in medical practice was made. Moreover, possible treatment indications for atrial fibrillation through transvenous ablation and the analysis of several present surgical techniques and their mortality indexes were included. An account of the advances in different surgical ablation techniques and methods at present in addition to likely surgical treatment criteria for patients suffering from this disease were made
Válvulas cardíacas protésicas: revisión histórica del tema Prosthetic cardiac valves: subject historical review
Alejandro Villar Inclán
Revista Cubana de Cirugía , 2010,
Abstract: Se realiza una revisión de la historia de las prótesis cardíacas mecánicas y biológicas. Se conceptualizan los diferentes tipos de prótesis biológicas y se clasifican las diferentes válvulas mecánicas, según su estructura. Se presenta un resumen histórico sobre las diferentes especialidades que han participado en las construcciones de las válvulas cardíacas. A historical review of mechanical and biological cardiac prosthesis is made, conceptualizing the different mechanical valves according to its structure. This is a historical abstract on different specialties involving in cardiac valves constructions.
Terapia angiogénica en el tratamiento de la cardiopatía isquémica Angiogenic therapy in the ischemic cardiopathy treatment
Alejandro Villar Inclán
Revista Cubana de Cirugía , 2007,
Abstract: Se realizó un recorrido por la historia del uso de los factores de crecimiento y se analizaron los conceptos de angiogénesis, arteriogénesis y vasculogénesis. Se se alaron los diferentes factores de crecimiento que se conocen y se hizo especial énfasis en los más utilizados (factor de crecimiento endotelial vascular y el factor de crecimiento fibroblástico). Se analizaron las diferentes vías de aplicación de estos, así como la forma de administración (proteica o génica). Realizamos un recuento de los diferentes estudios preclínicos y clínicos con el uso de estos factores de crecimiento para el tratamiento de la cardiopatía isquémica. De los diferentes estudios se recogieron las posibles complicaciones del uso de estos factores, llegamos a conclusiones y planteamos recomendaciones The history of the use of growth factors and the concepts of angiogenesis, arteriogenesis and vasculogenesis were presented in this paper. The different growth factors that are known so far were stated, making emphasis on the most used (vascular endothelial and fibroblast growth factors). The various ways of application and of administration proteic or genic) were analyzed. An account of several preclinical and clinical studies using these growth factors for ischemic cardiopathy treatment were made. The various studies contributed information on the possible complications of the use of these factors; conclusions were drawn and recommendations were made
Organic and Peptidyl Constituents of Snake Venoms: The Picture Is Vastly More Complex Than We Imagined
Alejandro Villar-Briones,Steven D. Aird
- , 2018, DOI: 10.3390/toxins10100392
Abstract: Small metabolites and peptides in 17 snake venoms (Elapidae, Viperinae, and Crotalinae), were quantified using liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry. Each venom contains >900 metabolites and peptides. Many small organic compounds are present at levels that are probably significant in prey envenomation, given that their known pharmacologies are consistent with snake envenomation strategies. Metabolites included purine nucleosides and their bases, neurotransmitters, neuromodulators, guanidino compounds, carboxylic acids, amines, mono- and disaccharides, and amino acids. Peptides of 2–15 amino acids are also present in significant quantities, particularly in crotaline and viperine venoms. Some constituents are specific to individual taxa, while others are broadly distributed. Some of the latter appear to support high anabolic activity in the gland, rather than having toxic functions. Overall, the most abundant organic metabolite was citric acid, owing to its predominance in viperine and crotaline venoms, where it chelates divalent cations to prevent venom degradation by venom metalloproteases and damage to glandular tissue by phospholipases. However, in terms of their concentrations in individual venoms, adenosine, adenine, were most abundant, owing to their high titers in Dendroaspis polylepis venom, although hypoxanthine, guanosine, inosine, and guanine all numbered among the 50 most abundant organic constituents. A purine not previously reported in venoms, ethyl adenosine carboxylate, was discovered in D. polylepis venom, where it probably contributes to the profound hypotension caused by this venom. Acetylcholine was present in significant quantities only in this highly excitotoxic venom, while 4-guanidinobutyric acid and 5-guanidino-2-oxopentanoic acid were present in all venoms
Bancos y cajas de ahorros: Modelización del margen de beneficio por regresión múltiple. Análisis comparativo
Alejandro M. Vasallo Rapela,Juan M. Villar Fernández
Revista Galega de Economía , 2006,
Abstract: Este trabajo desarrolla un modelo teórico que relaciona el margen de beneficio de las entidades financieras con variables estratégicas clave relativas a su tama o y variables que hacen referencia próxima a los servicios ofrecidos. La importancia del sector bancario en nuestra economía, las modificaciones del sistema financiero y la importancia y el peso específico de las cajas de ahorro en aquél determinan que nuestro objetivo básico en cuanto al modelo elaborado sea la comprobación de las posibles diferencias en las variables determinantes de estos dos tipos de entidades.

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